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Psychometrics Training

Occupational, Educational & Forensic

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Occupational Testing for selection, coaching and careers

Educational Testing for
learning support and access 

Forensic Testing for
health, risk and neurodiversity

British Psychological Society
fully accredited Certification

Psychometrics Courses


Our training courses in the British Psychological Society (BPS) Certificates in

Occupational Testing, Educational Testing and Forensic Testing provides professionals

with the accreditation and access to assessments for selection and

executive, career, leadership and health coaching. 

Occupational Training

Selection, Development
and Coaching

The Certificate of competence

in Occupational Testing (TUOAP), enables you to assess and coach with tests of ability, aptitude and personality

traits, types, values and EI.

Educational Training

Educational Assessment
and Learning Support

The Certificate of competence in Educational Testing (CCET), enables you to assess and coach with tests of ability, attainment, and neuro- developmental issues.

Forensic Training

Psychological Wellbeing
and Neurodevelopment

The Certificate of Competence

in Forensic Testing (CCFT), enables you to assess and coach with tests for personality disorders, risk, and neuro-diversity.

Recommended by...

Cher Engerer, Psychologist, Malta

Cher Engerer

Psychologist, Clinical Director & Founder, Polaris, Malta

"I had the pleasure of attending the Psychometrix course to garner further expertise and license to practice a vaster range of psychometrics. Terry delivered the content in great detail, whilst also creating a pleasant learning environment. He also gave me great support and insight, which contributed greatly to my success on this course. Following the course, I have collaborated with Terry on other initiatives, as well as using his in-house tools for career development. They are cost-efficient and very specialised - supporting my clients in the right direction. I've never been disappointed, and would recommend them to anyone".

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Recommended by...

Felipiano Thorpe, Psychologist, Jamaica

Feliciano Thorpe

Lecturer in Psychology,
Kingston, Jamaica

"Enrolling in the Certificate in Competence in Educational Testing (CCET) program offered online by Psychometrix was a pivotal decision for me, coming from the Caribbean-Jamaica. Having Terry as my coach/lecturer was an incredible blessing. His dedication and commitment to my growth went beyond expectations. The unwavering support, personalized guidance, and willingness to go above and beyond truly made the learning journey both enriching and rewarding. I am immensely grateful for the expertise and encouragement I received throughout the program, which undoubtedly enhanced my understanding and competence in psychological educational testing." ​I simply love what I do, and I am grateful to have made a career out of what I am most passionate about.

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Recommended by...

VBaverstock b&w

Victoria Baverstock

Organisational Psychologist
Western Europe and Middle East


The forensic psychometric course provided me with a comprehensive overview of forensic psychology and was led by instructors who are highly knowledgeable and committed to the subject and student success. The course is well-structured, blending theoretical knowledge with practical application which made it much easier to grasp complex concepts. The training has equipped me with valuable tools that are directly applicable to my business, and I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to better understand their clients and deepen their expertise in the field of psychometrics.

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The International
Qualifications in
Psychological Testing

The British Psychological Society

Unique benefits
of training
with us


Our psychometrics courses are
the industry-standard training
in using psychological tests in selection, education, coaching and psychological development.


Your psychometrics training is fully accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS) and internationally recognised.


Your BPS Qualifications provide
you with access to hundreds of Occupational, Forensic & Neuro-developmental assessments.


Your Coaching Science Program confers three separate BPS Certificatations
in psychometrics as well asthe AC Diploma


Your Course Tutors are coaches and experts in the field and have each 25+ years experience
as Chartered Organisational and Coaching Psychologists.


Our Flexible Learning Programs
allow you to complete your coach training by classroom
& online through your eLearning account.


On Graduation, you benefit from Premium Membership of our Professional Associate Network and International Coaching Community.

Features and Benefits of our Psychometrics Courses

A Comprehensive Curriculum
of Psychological Testing

The British Psychological Society

Certificates of Competence in
Occupational, Educational & Forensic Testing

The British Psychological Society

Learn how to help clients understand their abilities, capabilities and personality with Psychometric Science. 

Based on psychological research and practice in occupational, educational and forensic psychology,

our courses gives you the professional training you need to be a qualified psychometric assessor.

Module 1: The Context of Assessment and Development

Ethics: Duty of Care, Scope/Limits, Accreditation, Ethical/Legal, Insurance, Contracts, Confidentiality, GDPR.

Client Suitability: Informed Consent, Language, Literacy, Technology, Health & Wellbeing, Accommodations.

Module 2: Varieties of Tests and Test Administration

Types of Tests: IQ, Ability, Aptitude, Attainment, Careers, Neurodiveristy, Personality - Normal to Clinical.         

Test Adminsitration: Modes of Testing; Pre-test Issues; Test Materials; Venue; Candidate Preparation; Administration.


Module 3: Scoring, Feedback and Reporting

Scoring: Scoring Procedures; Scores - z-scores, IQ/Standard, Stens, Stanines, T-Scores, %iles; Interpretation.

Feedback: Preparation - Explanation of Scores, Error, Context, Purpose, Multi-measures; Feedback Interview.

Report Writing: Introduction; Context; Results; Interpretation; Client Views; Implications; Recommendations.

Module 4: Choosing and Accessing Tests

Choosing Tests: Normative, Criterion, Ipsative, IRT; Sampling, Reliability, Validity, Error & Bias; Test Evaluation.

Accessing Tests: Test Reviews; Print & Online; uppliers - Occupational, Educational, Forensic; Qualification Levels.


Module 5: Ethics, Best Practice and Legislation (Modules 1-5 confer Test User Educational, CCET)

Ethical/Legal Compliance: Candidates Rights, Legal Obligations, Organisational Policy, Professional Standards Award: British Psychological Society Certification in Educational Testing, CCET (Ability, Attainment & Neurodiversity).


Module 6: Occupational Testing (TUOAP) for Selection, Development and Coaching

o  Coaching effectiveness, achievement and excellence with Specialists, Teams and Leaders.

    Award: British Psychological Society Certification in Occupational Testing, ATU-TUP (Traits, Type, Values, EI).


Module 7: Forensic Assessment for Psychological Health & Wellbeing

o  Coaching across the body-mind spectrum from normal to clinical syndromes.

    Award: British Psychological Society Certification in Forensic Testing, CCFT (Risk/Personality Disorders).

Our Curriculum


The Certificate of Competence in Occupational Testing (TUOAP)

for Selection, Development and  Coaching

European Test User
Certificate Level 1 & 2

awarded by

European Federation of
Psychologists' Associations


EFPA Brochure

The Certificate of Competence
in Occupational Testing (TUOAP)

awarded by

The British
Psychological Society

Train in Occupational Testing


Occupational Testing
Educational Testing

The Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing (CCET)

for Educational Assessment and Learning Support

The Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing (CCET)

awarded by

The British Psychological Society

Train in Educational Testing


Forensic Testing

The Certificate of Competence in Forensic Testing (CCFT)

Psychological Wellbeing and Neurodevelopment

The Certificate of Competence in Forensic Testing (CCFT)

awarded by

The British Psychological Society

Train in Forensic Testing


Psychometric Tests and Testing

Our BPS Certification in Occupational Testing, Educational Testing and Forensic Testing, provides you with direct access to a wide range of occupational tests and assessments on the Genesys eTesting platform, and also allows you to register with leading international test publishers such as Pearson UK and PAR USA - test catalogues and sample reports below.

* Test access is decided by the test publishing companies taking all of your qualifications into account.

        Selection, Coaching and Development        

Administer oocupational assessments on our eTesting Platform.
[BPS Test User Ability (TUOA) or Personality (TUOP) required]

Educational, Forensic and Psychological Health

Buy educational, forensic and health assessments -
[BPS Test User Educational (CCET) or Forensic (CCFT) required]

                              Test Publisher Lists & Catalogues                         

BPS Qualifications in Test Use
BPS Test Available to RQTU Members

                                   Candidate Selection                                   

Adapt G Report
Graduate Reasoning Test Report
Critical Reasoning Test Battery
Technical Test Battery

                        Career and Vocational Coaching                       

The Career Profile Report
Occupational Interest Profile Extended
Occupational Interest Profile plus Graduate Reasoning Test
Self Directed Search Report

                                    Personality Traits & Type                              

Fifteen Factor Questionnaire
Personality and Values Extended Report
Management Derailer Report
15FQ Customer Service Profile

  Motivational Values, Learning Styles, Safety & Wellbeing   

Values and Motivation Report Cover
Coaching Health & Safety Cover
Coachng Wellbeing at Work Cover
Learning Styles Cover

                          Test Publisher Lists & Catalogues                           

BPS Educational Testing
BPS Forensic Testing

                                        Cognitive Ability                                    

Cognitive Ability Test 4
Revens Matrices Report
Kaufman IQ Test Report
Watson-Glaser Report

                           Attainment and Achievement                          

WRAT5 Report
AAB Report
Woodcock Johnson Report


Connors Rating Scale Report

                         Psychological  Health and Disorders                 

SCL 90 Report
MIPS Report
NEO Sample Report
QLI Report

Visit our dedicated Assessment section for all our
test products, solutions and assessment platforms

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